Although sectioning out a portion of your day for exercise sounds simple enough, it can often be one of the hardest tasks to complete. At The Body Work Clinic, we understand that although you might want to, you just can’t find the time. This could be due to important demands such as a busy career and commuting to work or staying home and looking after your children.
Whatever your reasons, we get it. Most people struggle attempting to fit exercise into their daily routine, especially if they can’t wake up at 4 in the morning to hit the gym. However, we have compiled a list of activities that you can incorporate into your day to help you feel that little bit more active in everyday life.
Walk around during TV ad breaks
This simple step can help you to feel more active during times when you would usually sit for hours at a time. Walking around or marching for 10 to 15 minutes whilst TV advertisements play can help you to keep your heart rate up.
Getting your heart to beat faster helps oxygen flow around the body, increasing the number of calories burnt whilst also lowering your cholesterol levels.
Swap the lift for the stairs
Although the lift offers convenience and may help you get to your office quicker, deciding to take the stairs offers great benefits too. Climbing stairs increases leg power and strengthens your muscles.
It has also been proven to help you maintain a healthy weight. Stair climbing in work can also help you in later life as elderly people reduce the risk of serious injury to themselves if they have existent leg strength.
Walk to work or park further away
Walking to work is a great exercise and can help you to start your day in a productive mood. Walking can give you time to de-stress and enter the workplace feeling calm and collected.
Beginning a new day feeling refreshed from a walk helps to improve self-esteem and self-perception. Many researchers have also noted how those who partake in physical exercise have up to a 30% reduced risk of developing depression.
Drink more water
One of the most shared health tips of all time: drink more water. But it couldn’t be more effective! Not only is it a great way to stay hydrated all day long but it will also require you to take frequent toilet trips meaning you’re on the move more.
Drinking water has amazing benefits and helps digestion, circulation, saliva production, as well as the maintenance of body temperature.
Eat lunch outside
Swapping your staffroom lunchtime to an outdoor lunchtime can help you to enjoy your break and get in a few extra steps. Eating outdoors also brings with it a variety of benefits such as lower stress hormones and reduction in muscle tension.
If you’re lucky enough to work close to a park, why not take your lunch break there? After you’ve finished eating, a quick stroll could be just what you need to help you regain concentration and motivation ready for the afternoon.
Set reminders on your phone
Sometimes your daily routine can be terribly difficult to break away from. You may look up to find that hours have passed due to being hard at work, leaving no time to exercise.
Setting an alarm on your phone every 30 minutes to an hour can help to remind yourself to walk around, grab a drink, and stretch. Resulting in more movement and a clear head.
It’s also important to remember to use your time wisely. If you’re waiting for a meeting or a phone call, why not try some calf raises or squats?
Adopt a dog
If you’ve been wanting a furry friend for a while, now may be the perfect time for a canine addition to join your family. Dogs are active animals and require daily walks. Changing your routine and fitting in multiple walks a day is one of the simplest ways to move more.
If you can’t commit to a new pet, why not join a dog-walking community in your local area. This way you can pick up and drop off your new friend whenever it’s convenient for you.
In a 2017 study, researchers found that dog owners live healthier lives with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
Join a new class
Many fitness classes hold half-hour sessions in the middle of the day, perfect for those who are on their lunch break. Instead of sitting at your desk for an hour, why not try and find a local class?
Walking to the class and squeezing in a short workout can help to keep you feeling pumped and refreshed for the rest of the day. Trying a new class is also a great way to meet others committed to exercising which can encourage your motivations.
Some offices even include gyms which can be great if you want to fit in a quick 20 minutes on the rowing machine.
Although it can feel like a challenge to adjust your busy routine, making small efforts will result in positive changes. Partaking in at least 150 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity each week can help you to keep fit and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
You don’t have to be committed to a gym membership or join in multiple workout sessions each week to improve your fitness. Swapping the lift for the office stairs or adding in an extra twenty minutes to your daily dog walk are all small ways to help you move more.
Any movement is a start and can help you to work on becoming more active.
If you would like to find out more about The Body Work Clinic and the services we offer, call today on 01223 455144 for a consultation with Ruth Holt. By using the most elite technologies we can help you to achieve your body goals.