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It’s not until you make the decision to undergo a cosmetic treatment that you realise just how broad and diverse the scope of available options can be. Even if you narrow down the choices available to just a handful of equally viable options, knowing which is right for you can be challenging.

Of course, this is precisely where the input of a knowledgeable and responsible practitioner comes into play. During your initial consultation, you’ll be provided with the clinic’s impartial and objective recommendations, based on your objectives, priorities and physiology.

Even so, you could still find yourself pondering the same common question asked by many newcomers to cosmetic treatments:

Should I go for Botox or dermal fillers?

Equally popular and often misinterpreted as the same basic treatment, Botox and dermal fillers deliver different results in different ways. The mechanics of their effects are different, as are the aesthetic goals they can be used to achieve. 

It is therefore useful to build a basic knowledge of how each of these treatments works and what they are used for, in order to ensure you make the right decision for your own aesthetic goals. As is ensuring you understand the pros and cons of combining Botox with dermal fillers if planning to undergo both treatments.

Botox: The Basics 

Botox, short for Botulinum Toxin, is a purified protein that forms the basis of these popular muscle relaxing injections. It is widely used to treat dynamic wrinkles – the lines formed by repetitive facial expressions. Botox works by blocking nerve signals in targeted muscles, preventing them from contracting and causing wrinkles. It is commonly used to address forehead lines, crow’s feet and frown lines between the eyebrows.

Applications and Benefits of Botox:

  1. Wrinkle Reduction: Botox effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by muscle movement, reversing one of the most common signs of ageing in men and women.
  2. Preventive Measure: It can also be used as a preventive measure to slow down the formation of new wrinkles, helping ensure the issue does not become overly problematic in the first place.
  3. Non-Invasive: Botox is a non-surgical treatment, making it the preferred option for patients who would prefer not to undergo more extensive surgical procedures
  4. Quick Procedure: The injection process is relatively quick, often taking just a few minutes, with near-instantaneous results visible almost immediately after the treatment.
  5. Natural Results: When administered by a skilled professional, Botox provides natural-looking results, making it difficult or impossible to tell that an individual has been treated at all.

Effects and Longevity of Botox

The effects of Botox usually become noticeable within a few days, with the full results appearing within two weeks. These results will typically last around 3-4 months, which is why it is common for patients to undergo repeat treatments on a periodic basis, in order to experience longer-lasting results.

Cost of Botox

The cost of Botox treatment varies on the basis of a number of factors, which include the treated area, the amount of Botox required and the clinic’s location. In the UK, the cost can range from £150 to £350 per treatment area, though again may differ significantly from one clinic and practitioner to the next.

Possible Side-Effects of Botox

Botox injections are not associated with any severe side effects or dangerous reactions. To ensure your safety, your practitioner will conduct a full assessment of your physiology and suitability for Botox, before the treatment is carried out.

Common examples of mild side effects include mild bruising, swelling and temporary discomfort at the injection site. In rare cases, slight asymmetry or drooping of adjacent muscles may occur.

Suitability and Versatility of Botox

One of the biggest points of appeal with Botox is its versatility, enabling it to be used for a broad range of applications for fast and effective cosmetic enhancement.  It is particularly effective in the treatment of dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle contractions, which tend to appear most prominently on the forehead. 

It is also highly effective in the treatment of crow’s feet and glabellar lines (frown lines between the eyebrows) and can even be used to address excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), along with other medical conditions like migraines.

Dermal Fillers: The Basics 

Dermal fillers are injectable substances that are typically based on hyaluronic acid – a naturally occurring substance in the body. They work by adding volume to areas with wrinkles, lines, or areas that have lost volume over time. Dermal fillers can effectively soften lines, restore facial contours and plump up lips, cheeks and temples.

Unlike Botox, which focuses on muscle relaxation, dermal fillers work by physically ‘plumping’ and hydrating the treated area, quickly reducing the appearance of wrinkles and folds, with results that last.

Applications and Benefits of Dermal Fillers:

  1. Wrinkle Smoothing: Dermal fillers effectively fill in wrinkles, lines and creases, instantly resulting in a more youthful appearance and delivering results that go the distance.
  2. Volume Restoration: They can restore lost volume in areas like cheeks, lips and temples, improving facial contours and contributing to enhanced definition.
  3. Customisable: Dermal fillers come in various formulations that can be tailored to achieve specific aesthetic goals, or combined with other procedures to enhance their effectiveness.
  4. Non-Surgical: Like Botox, dermal fillers are a non-surgical option with minimal downtime – normal life can resume almost immediately after the treatment is performed.
  5. Natural-Looking Results: When administered skilfully, dermal fillers provide natural-looking results, which can provide the patient with a major confidence boost.

Effects and Longevity of Dermal Fillers

The effects of dermal fillers are visible immediately after treatment. Depending on the type of filler used and the treated area, results can last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Some advanced fillers may offer longer-lasting effects, though in all instances longevity is tied to the appropriateness of the aftercare provided and the unique physiology of the individual in question.

Cost of Dermal Fillers

Dermal filler costs vary on the basis of the same factors as Botox – the clinic and practitioner chosen, the amount of filler required to perform the procedure, its complexity and so on. As a general rule of thumb, prices range from £200 to £600 per syringe.

Possible Side-Effects of Dermal Fillers

It is extremely rare for dermal fillers to cause any severe side effects, but your suitability for treatment will be established during your initial consultation to ensure your safety. Mild side effects associated with dermal fillers include temporary redness, swelling and bruising at the injection site. All of which will typically subside within a few days. 

Suitability and Versatility of Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are ideal for individuals looking to restore volume, smooth wrinkles and enhance facial features. They are commonly used to plump lips, improve cheek volume, soften nasolabial folds (lines from the nose to the mouth) and contour the jawline. Dermal fillers can also be employed for hand rejuvenation and non-surgical nose reshaping.

Determining Your Ideal Treatment

Choosing between Botox and dermal fillers is a case of carefully considering your aesthetic goals, objectives, expectations and preferences. Again, your practitioner will provide the professional input and advice you need to make the right decision, providing answers to your questions about dermal fillers, and enabling you to proceed with confidence.

A few considerations to factor in, ahead of your initial consultation:

  1. Target Area: Identify the specific areas you wish to address. Botox is suitable for dynamic wrinkles, while dermal fillers are ideal for restoring volume and contouring.
  2. Wrinkle Type: If your concerns involve wrinkles caused by muscle movement, Botox is likely your choice. For wrinkles caused by volume loss, dermal fillers are more appropriate.
  3. Results Timeframe: Botox provides quick results, just as the benefits of dermal fillers are practically instantaneous. Dermal filler downtime may, in some instances, be slightly longer than a typical Botox treatment.
  4. Longevity: If you’re seeking longer-lasting effects, some dermal fillers may better meet your expectations. Though it is nonetheless possible for Botox to provide long-lasting results with ‘top-up’ treatments. 
  5. Budget: Assess your budget, as costs can vary for each treatment and the number of sessions required. Insist on a fully transparent cost disclosure from your clinic, inclusive of any subsequent visits and aftercare you require.

At Body Works Clinic (BWC), we would be delighted to provide you with an obligation-free consultation at your convenience, during which we will discuss your aesthetic goals and help you choose the appropriate treatments to suit both your objectives and your budget.

For more information on the treatments above or to discuss any of our specialist procedures in more detail, contact a member of our team today.

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