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What can I expect before and after treatment, i.e. pain, results, side effects?

  • Prior to treatment, you will have a consultation. This will cover your medical and aesthetic history, your concerns, your desires, and possible treatment options.
  • Pain: You may feel discomfort at the injection points. Most facial filler products include lidocaine, which can reduce discomfort. You may be sore, similar to the feeling of a bruise after treatment.
  • Results: The majority of the results are seen immediately after the treatment.  However, your results will continue to improve over the next few weeks as the product integrates with your tissues, and any redness, bruising, or swelling subsides.
  • Potential side effects:

most side effects are temporary and are associated with the injection site including

  • pain
  • redness
  • swelling
  • bruising
  • firmness.
  • risk of infection

other side effects are possible and will be discussed during consultation and treatment.


Is there any downtime?

  • You can return to most of your normal activities the same day.  To help reduce the risk of infection, we recommend that you do not apply makeup to the areas injected for at least 12 hours and suggest you do not exercise for 24-48 hours (to reduce bacteria and also to help reduce the risk of bruising).  You may have bruising or swelling. 

How long do dermal fillers last?

  • Dermal Fillers can last from several months to several years based on the specific product used and the location it is placed. On average, the results of dermal fillers will last for 6 to 12 months.  Your aesthetic injection specialist will discuss the expected length of results with you during your consultation and treatment. 

What products do you currently use?

  • We use Juvederm hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.  It is a proven brand with decades of research and use, great safety profiles, and a dermal filler product specific to meet your needs.  We also use Profhilo for skin hydrating and remodeling.
  • We purchase our products from the manufacturer and well-known, trusted pharmacies to ensure we are receiving brand authenticity.

Will it be obvious I had something done?

  • After integration occurs, you will look refreshed.  Our injection specialist will work with you to meet your goals with a natural look.  The goal is that your friends tell you that you look great and ask you what you changed, not ask you what you had done. 

What about dermal fillers and a Covid-19 infection or vaccination?

  • There have been a few reports of swelling at locations of past dermal filler injections after receiving a Covid-19 vaccination.  These are immunologic reactions and are typically rare.  The current recommendations are to go forward with receiving the vaccination, even if you have had dermal filler injections.  If you have any concerns, please speak with your GP, your pharmacist, or your aesthetic specialist.
  • Data regarding Covid-19 infections and dermal fillers is scarce.  Unfortunately, not enough is known at this time.  There is evidence that delayed hypersensitivity reactions can occur if dermal fillers are injected after a recent viral infection.  If you have recently been ill, we ask that you wait for treatment until after you have fully recovered.  If you have tested positive for Covid 19 in the past, please discuss this with your aesthetic practitioner. 
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